October 13, 2020

Iodine Detox Symptoms: Here’s What You Should Know 2025

bromide detox symptoms

They are probably in the minority compared to those who benefit from the treatment, but everyone has a different constitution. I’ve been trying out the high-dose iodine protocol for a couple of months at the time of writing, to treat hypothyroid-type symptoms, with good results so far. If you want to see how I got on with the protocol, take a look at my Iodine Deficiency Diaries series on YouTube. Bromides serve no natural function in the body and in fact have been classified as potential carcinogens. For example, bromides concentrate in breast tissue and have been implicated as a possible cause of breast cancer. Bromide is carcinogenic in rats and kidney toxic in both man and experimental animals when given orally.

bromide detox symptoms

thoughts on “Iodine and Bromine Detox With Unrefined Salt by Jeffrey Dach MD”

bromide detox symptoms

If they continue after these two strategies have been tried then Pulse Dosing is the next line of defense. This is where the individual takes Iodine and the Supporting Nutrients (see the guide to supplementing) for a few days and then takes a few days off of the iodine only and continues to take the supporting nutrients. If all of these fail to resolve the issues then a more intense detox support protocol as defined above would be needed.

How are bromine levels elevated?

Dr. Abraham concluded that whole body sufficiency exists when a person excretes 90 percent of the iodine ingested. He devised an iodine-loading test where one takes 50 mg iodine/potassium iodide and measures the amount excreted in the urine over the next twenty-four hours. He found that the vast majority of people retain a substantial amount of the 50 mg dose.

This Dechlorinating Bath Ball Filter from Pure Showers is designed to remove chlorine and other contaminants from bath water. You have to swoosh it around the bath for three minutes before getting in. Binchotan charcoal is said to remove elements like chlorine from water by attracting the negative ions to the surface of the charcoal. It shouldn’t be confused with tincture of iodine, which is formulated from sodium iodide and should not be ingested. Dr Brownstein says that all of these elements are more toxic when iodine deficiency is present. The research of David Brownstein, MD, and the late Guy Abraham, MD, suggests that this belief is based on unreliable evidence, and that the current recommended daily amounts of iodine, 150mcg are far too low.

Phase 1 – This phase consists of oxidation reduction and hydrolysis. Simply put it takes a toxic chemical and turns it into a non-toxic one. This is important to avoid the annoying symptoms of Bromide excretion called “Bromism” which may be severe enough to cause the patient to stop taking Iodoral. Check out my other site Sick of Tired to learn about methylation and how I used iodine and nutrition to detox mercury and other toxins. Join us at Iodine for Beginners to read other’s experiences and questions.

Iodine Detox or Iodism?

  • Nervine is the name of a plant that had a positive impact on the nervous system, however the main ingredient in this product was bromide.
  • Simply put it takes a toxic chemical and turns it into a non-toxic one.
  • For safety, we recommend that you have a spot iodine urine test done, even if you and your healthcare professionals think you have a perfectly healthy thyroid function.
  • The purpose is to rebalance iodine levels and support overall health.
  • Sustained overconsumption of sodium, particularly as salt, has been related to development of hypertension in sensitive individuals.
  • Iodine supplementation of 12 to 50 mg per day is adequate for most patients.
  • After three months of use, the stick has to be boiled in water for 10 minutes, after which it can be used again for a further three months.

With iodine deficiency running rampant, it is imperative to have a clear understanding of iodine supplementation before you start taking iodine. Bromide toxins, resulting in bromide acne, is seen with increased bromide intake and bromide containing medications. Bromide is a competitive inhibitor of iodine and is used in many food additives and is ubiquitous in the environment, being a major component in brominated flame retardants and pesticides.

Urine tests confirm that iodine at these doses removes the toxic halogens fluoride and bromide from the body. It is essential to approach iodine detox with caution and seek professional guidance, as excessive iodine intake can have adverse effects on thyroid function and overall health. When starting to supplement and having some minor issues like headaches or joint pain, salt loading (1 tsp of salt bromide detox symptoms in warm water) can assist. If it persists then more magnesium and Vit C often relieves the symptoms.

  • It takes high levels of iodine flooding the body to displace the toxic halides with the good one.
  • Iodine/iodide allergic people can usually be treated using the NeuroModulation Technique.
  • But, I am likely keeping most of my bromine symptoms away by consuming enough salt with food and going slow with iodine.
  • Every time this happened except one time, it was most likely due to people drinking salt water at least once per day for a week or more.
  • Bromine is iodine’s evil sibling that makes it harder for our body to remain saturated with iodine.

thoughts on “The high dose iodine protocol: what you need to know”

1 When we add salt to our food, most of it will be absorbed in our gut, which can limit how much it want’s to absorb and pass the rest. But when we drink salt water, most of it will be absorbed into our blood stream just about instantly where it is essentially forced though our organs. In the U.S. population, the percent of iodine load excreted in the 24-hour urine collection prior to supplementation with iodorol averages 40 percent. So the long and the short of it is, you want to avoid bromides whenever you can. Bromine excretion can be measured in 24 hr urine collections by reference labs.

This is known as “pulse-dosing” and it can help alleviate the detox symptoms. In his experience, side effects including metallic taste in mouth, sneezing, excess saliva and frontal sinus pressure occur in less than 5 percent of patients. Guy Abraham and David Brownstein, the protocol involves giving 50 mg iodine/iodide per day as and monitoring the excretion of iodine in the urine. The high levels of iodine/iodide are necessary to replace bromine and fluorine (and also chlorine) that have built up in the tissues, due to years of toxic exposure. Excessive iodine intake can lead to adverse effects on thyroid function and other health complications. Handling iodine detox symptoms is essential to ensure a safe and comfortable detoxification process.

hour Iodine and Bromine Analysis

The iodine/iodide loading test is based on the concept that the normally functioning human body has a mechanism to retain ingested iodine until whole body sufficiency for iodine is achieved. During supplementation with iodine, the body progressively adjusts the excretion of iodine to balance the intake. As the iodine content in the body increases, the percentage of the iodine retained decreases, showing up as an increased amount of iodide excreted in the 24-hour urine collection. When whole body sufficiency for iodine is achieved, the absorbed iodine/iodide is excreted as iodide in the urine. TheorieThe conventional view is that the body contains mg of iodine, of which percent resides in the thyroid gland.

Adequate iodine levels in expectant mothers are essential to prevent intellectual disabilities and developmental issues in the baby. One of the most critical periods for iodine intake is during pregnancy, as iodine is crucial for fetal brain development. Additionally, iodine is involved in supporting the immune system, promoting healthy skin, and aiding in cognitive function. Phase 2 – This pathway is called the conjugation pathway where the liver cells add another substance (like cysteine, glycine or a sulphur molecule) to a chemical that is toxic to the body that renders it less harmful. This makes the toxin water soluble so that it can be excreted easily from the body through the water containing fluids like bile or urine.